It's funny, Darrin Bell, I've never thought I like audiobooks -- then too, I'd never listened to one. I love so much to read in print and use my imagination for voices and images -- yet I was entranced as I listened to "THE TALK". Thank you for the magnificent book that was given as gifts to a number of people in my life. Now for the audio book for myself as soon as I understand how and where to listen.

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I am very happy for you, Darrin. You get to showcase your son who inspired you. Not all of us can tell our stories as uniquely as you do. The Talk was a wonderful book to read and the illustrations, superb. It should be in every school library. The audio version just tops it off. Kudos!!

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How cool is THAT?

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Will the talk be released as an eBook? Between vision and hearing changes that come from aging and a 'well lived' life eBooks are perfect for me. I so want to listen to you and your son reading The Talk but I need to see and read the words first. I need to hold the author's words in my hand, put them down, think about his/her words and then continue reading before I hear those words spoken, especially when it's the author speaking them.

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Thanks for asking! It is available as an e-book, wherever e-books are sold. Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and more. Links to all the versions are at www.GetTheTalk.com

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Aug 20Liked by Darrin Bell

Congratulations Darrin! What a beautiful family. I appreciated your book more than you can know, and I just pre-ordered the audio book from audiobooks.com. So looking forward to it. I am so happy for all your success. I hope libraries carry "The Talk" and I hope everyone everywhere gets access to it.

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Thank you, Elayne! I hope you enjoy the audiobook. Many libraries are carrying it, although I’ve heard from some librarians who work for library systems where it’s been banned (along with dozens of other titles). I’m happy that every library I’ve checked online, carries it.

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Aug 20Liked by Darrin Bell

Banned books, what will they think of next. Let's hope a lot of that changes in November...

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it had better, or Amerikkka is doomed...

is the USA stupid enough to elect Drumpf again? unfortunately, maybe so...

let us all hope and pray not!

i'm watching with cautious optimism tempered w/alarm from Hamburg, Germany (left US in 2009, 8 1/2 yrs Thailand, then Europe since May 2018)

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Aug 21Liked by Darrin Bell

You were smart and I am sure living elsewhere is wonderful. Visiting all those places always makes me want to stay.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Author

I've visited and revisited the thought of moving elsewhere where they already have more of what I wish we had here (and less of what causes my blood pressure to soar here), but the older my kids get, and the more bonds they form with people here, the harder it is to see it as a real possibility.

That said, I've spent a lot of time googling expat communities overseas, lately.

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Well, we bought a house in Umbria Italy two years ago and I have to say, having that out makes life here much less stressful. Bill stays there six to eight months a year! And I come and go.

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yes Darrin, i realize it is more complicated when family is involved; most of Europe already has those things that Amerikkka deems socialist (nationalized health care, prescription price mandate, REAL safety net, etc)...

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Aug 21Liked by Darrin Bell

your son is quite handsome, Darrin, methinks you'll have to be very vigilant during your various very good-looking offspring's teen years due to the parade of would-be suitors sure to flock to your door...

unfortunately, we all know that far greater vigilance needs to be exercized regarding the very reason The Talk was written, but this vigilance must mainly be on the child's/teen's part, for parents cannot be there 24/7 when children are going to/from (or even in, sadly- they're not safe from egregious racist policing on campus) school and/or extracurricular activities, or even walking to the store...

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